GOAL SHARE: Meet Molly Woodhull of Woodhull Wellnes
I met Molly Woodhull for a vegan donut and hot coffee at a hipster spot in Denver. We had been introduced by Megan Schmer of Olive & Oldes (our first goal share feature!) and she had told Molly to jump into my THE12 mastermind asap. We met. We talked. I listened to big goals with community and mental health and expansion all in her language. She lit up when she spoke. And we have been supporting one another ever since and I was and am honored to be a support system through THE12 and beyond as she launched her first online course in 2020 and now her second with my favorite practice she shared with me: micro meditations.
Meet Molly!
With such uncertainty in the world feels imperative that I share as many tools as I can around managing stress and anxiety in everyday life. I am Molly Woodhull, founder of Woodhull Wellness and I want to help people show up healthier and happier for themselves, their loved ones, and at work!
It was really important to me that I create a new online course that is highly accessible for people and corporations around the world. My dream was every lesson in the program was 1 minute or less! MICROPRACTICES, easy, digestible tools for everyone and anyone. So, goal accomplished as I just completed my second online course series called micro practices!
This goal has two parts. Part 1 was to create the new online course before 2022. Check, that's done and I feel proud. The 2nd aspect of this goal is to continue spreading the word and implement the program in 20 companies (or more) throughout the 2022 calendar year. We are on our way to completing the goal and we have space for more organizations to hop on board.
How do goals work, we share them. It would be so meaningful to me if you could support my goal by spreading the word. Send this idea along to friends, family members or to your HR manager and let’s make it happen!
Get started by filling out the Client Intake Form here... https://woodhullwellness.typeform.com/to/lNBVUila?typeform-source=linktr.ee