GOAL SHARE: Meet Shannon Santangelo, Inner Voice Coach

Some times you just know. I met Shannon Santangelo virtually on a workshop on ZOOM and then again attending one of her LIVE instagram talks. I wrote her name down on a post it note as someone to keep on my radar. I sent her the post it note before we knew each other and said ‘I think I knew you before I knew you’. And she since joined THE12, she since launched her new offerings, she since pivoted, changed, allowed and surrendered to the power that is her own voice and leads women to do the same. Know her, connect with her.


I used to think I needed adjectives with big words and long sentences to show you my heart.  To show you who I am.  I also used to believe that I wasn’t good enough; there are too many of us believing we are not enough.

15 months ago, I said goodbye to a 9-year career as a Social Worker so I could start my own business that’s dedicated to changing that narrative.  You are enough.

 Hello, I am Shannon Santangelo.  Human first, leader second.  I am a lover of black tea, honesty and the Colorado mountains.  As a women’s group facilitator and certified life coach I create spaces for women to find their own unique voice so they can feel and heal while being in community together.

Last summer I wrote a big goal on a small sticky note.  I taped it to my wall so it wouldn’t move. “I will be leading BETA: Inner Voice Group on October 12, 2021”. Inner Voice Group is my 8-week group for healers, feelers and change makers seeking who they are in here ::points to heart:: A community that honors big exhales while releasing expectations and cultivating a journey inward towards your wild wisdom.

The journey to get there looked like this:  Two weeks into the launch of BETA: Inner Voice there were zero applications.  I began questioning my worth.  I’d like to normalize launches and goals swaying off course. It happens but it does not define us.

I decided to tell my community how the launch was going.  I shared word for word, “no one has signed up.”

Women responded to my zero-application declaration with: 

“I feel this big time.”

“I’ve been there.”

“I have felt these same feelings.”

“We are in it together.”

 We gathered in a moment of humanness and it was a sign we needed more.

So, I kept going. I met with my teacher, Jacki Carr and began talking with humans who made me feel safe - including other women in business.  I asked for help.  It was through collaboration, releasing control, and letting it be simple that BETA: Inner Voice came to life.  The group became more than half full.

 At 9:00AM on October 12th, 2021 I said hello to the inaugural group of BETA: Inner Voice.  We laughed, we cried, we shared stories of hope and held space for stories of fear.

 I remain in awe as I watch the women of BETA: Inner Voice train for marathons, open their own businesses, create healing through breath-work, say no to paths they thought they desired and yes to new ones they seek. My goal came alive and now I am watching theirs.

Remember, when in the muck / when in the yuck:

  1. Pause.

  2. Breathe.

  3. Write a list of who/what can help you.

  4. Ask those humans/things for help.

  5. Remember you are already enough.

I am about to launch Inner Voice Winter 2022.  We begin in February.  Wow.  To be honest my goals right now scare me.  If your goals scare you, maybe here and now we could make a pact to join together and keep going.  You in?  Me too.  Pact made for 2022. 

- I will advocate and facilitate ethical, trauma informed spaces for women to heal, feel and lead together with choice. I will complete this goal through my social work ethics, knowledge, honoring client self-sovereignty and becoming Trauma Informed Certified in Q1.

-  I will support 100 women in 2022 through Inner Voice Group, speaking on podcasts, collaborations and leading a Colorado retreat (?!) I am open to the evolution.

- I will put myself first through my morning ritual, creation with my hands, living my values and time off the screen.

I am honored to be in this moment with you. Reach out if you are interested about Inner Voice Group Winter or being among one another in community. 

I want my presence in 2022 and beyond to bring forward the creation of hope and a whole lot of - you are always enough.


Website: https://www.shannonsantangelo.com/ 

To connect: shansantangelo@gmail.com

Instagram: @shansantangelo

Inner Voice Group Winter 2022 Application: https://forms.gle/G2ZeiUMy413g4o9a6


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