THE12 Participation + Non-Disclosure Agreement
By execution of this document I agree to:
• Attend all group ZOOM meetings unless otherwise arranged with the facilitator
prior to the day of the meeting.
• Arrive on time.
• Limit cell phone and computer tabs to designated breaks or emergencies only while in session.
• Participate with respect, honesty, and candor in all conversations during the entire program.
• Connect with my accountability partner on time with respect, honesty, and candor.
• Never share any confidential information, personal or business data, or any other
details gained in confidence during group meetings with any non-THE12
members even after my membership has ended.
• Keep my membership current by paying the membership dues on time and in full
either monthly or with the annual plan. I understand there are no refunds
or partial refunds available at any time.
• I am all in.