Vulnerability Club: SPRING EDITION

Feeling tender lately?

Feeling in need of boundaries?

Feeling lonely?

Feeling joyful but don't know where to share it?

Feeling human in it all?

What is the Vulnerability Club?

The Vulnerability Club, a space to feel, express and be .... together.

It is rare for vulnerability to come naturally or easy in our human experiences. So we practice. We can practice at home, at work, in our health, in spirituality, within relationships with friend and/or family (when we can), on our pages of our journal and in poetry or a morning yell.

This is a space to practice self vulnerability and vulnerability with others. We will have guided real talk in real time in community of likeminded individuals over 8 weeks together including self led practices. Each week we will have a 75 minute connection over ZOOM every Wednesday that will cover a theme to explore our vulnerability in conversation. We will also have a weekly writing club on ZOOM on Fridays.

Weekly Agenda

Week 1: Introductions and How are Your Really?

Week 2: Sacred Rage, Anger is a Catalyst not a Solution (there will be yelling)

Week 3: Beneath Every Complaint is....a Commitment

Week 4: Boundary Shield Intro: What are You Bound to?

Week 5: V Club Closing and the Promises to Keep it Vulnerable

Calls will include an agenda mix of these: movement, meditation moments, hot seats to share joy, vent/complaint timers, a practice in listening, break out rooms for deeper connections when possible, yelling together, writing together and closing commitments.


Call Time: Wednesadys at 1pm EST / 12pm CST / 11am MST / 10am PST

Save these Dates: April 24, May 1, 8, 15 and 22

(optional) Writing Sessions: Every Friday at 12noon EST starting April 26

What you’ll walk away with

A vulnerability muscle that has been strengthened week over week for 10ish weeks.

A community connection with people willing to try, like you, like me.

Tools to better navigate vulnerability on and off the screen.

Guest speakers to expand our scope and wisdom.

Communication skills to show up as all of you.

A continued commitment to practice vulnerability in your day to day.

An experience to feel.

Upon Sign You’ll Receive

A Welcome Email

Code of Conduct

Invite to our private The V Club Slack Channel called The Deep V

Calendar invites for Wendesday calls with ZOOM details

Calendar invites for Friday Writing Sessions with ZOOM details

You in?

Any and all questions, email Jacki directly at



  • Well this might be more of that. However, if you are open and wanting to practice or try it, this might be the place to loathe it less.

  • There are no refunds available for this experience.

  • Writing calls are optional and a great habit to get into if you can make the writing sessions!

  • No you do not. Always optional and can toggle on and off to support your presence.

  • Everything is optional. However, I will say this: you get what you give to the experience.

  • Yes the Vulnerability Club LIVE calls on Wednesdays are recorded and sent out. The Writing Club calls are not recorded.