Audit & Ask: March 2022

It is the first of the month and a great time to audit how you are living and make some requests! I do this once a month in my community and with myself as a way to stay aware, honor where I have been and create intention to where I want to go.

Psst, I made you a PDF of the Audit & Ask, grab the worksheet here!



Last Month: February

I learned these two things last month:

ONE: Life is going to life and holding more than one emotion moment to moment is so human. Great highs and greater lows mean I am alive and wow, I forget that part about the lows.

TWO: My friend Nicole Antoinette writes the most beautiful newsletters called ‘Wild Letters’ and she shared about the choice to abandon the self when things get dark or the choice to stay. And I love that language because this past month I have left and stayed in this body numerous times and you know, still here.

The two things I’m most celebrating last month:

ONE: I spoke on a stage this past month for Ignite Denver in front of a real live audience at 38 weeks pregnant. I shared my voice, I got curious if I still like speaking (spoiler alert: SURE DO) and I applied for something and showed up still (when I almost cancelled, called it and bailed over 87 times( in a chaotic month. This is means for celebration because this is most often where I grow and learn in the showing up.

TWO: You know what, I cried a lot this month and I am going to celebrate the release.

Take a moment to honor what last month was: This last month was my birthday month actually, I turned 38 years old. My children decorated the house with Chris with all handmade decor, my best friend took me on a staycation in Denver and we marathon watched Queer Eye (cue more crying) and I had a lovely turn of a new year. It was soft and very chill unlike the rest of the month which felt forceful, determined and well, annoying with decisions that needed to be made and conflicts I really want to hide from and can’t. Honoring the dynamic forces at play and continuing to lean into uncertainty because February brought all the uncertainty which Pema Chodrön says, “The root of suffering is resisting the certainty that no matter what the circumstances, uncertainty is all we truly have.”


This Month: March

What do I want this month?

I want to be wrapped in one of those heavy blankets that restores your nervous system. And honestly, I have one from Pendleton (which they totally used to carry at COSTCO, by the way!) and regulating your nervous system is a practice and a choice, so that is exactly what I want for this month - the reminder that I have choice and tools to be in relationship with my nervous system.

What do I envision?

I envision a lot of honest moments in March. Honest with the feelings of change, expansion, new life, new family dynamic, new identity within and learning how to continue to ask for support (my forever for always journey).

How do I want to feel this month?

I want to feel on purpose and fully aligned to my core values.

What is one goal that I can make that feeling that vision possible?

I attend with my family the Immersive Frida experience in Denver by March 2, 2022.


Your turn.

See you April 1.


The sun has pimples.


GOAL SHARE: Meet Mary Kathryn LeMaster