GOAL SHARE: Meet Molly Woodhull of Woodhull Wellnes

I met Molly Woodhull for a vegan donut and hot coffee at a hipster spot in Denver. We had been introduced by Megan Schmer of Olive & Oldes (our first goal share feature!) and she had told Molly to jump into my THE12 mastermind asap. We met. We talked. I listened to big goals with community and mental health and expansion all in her language. She lit up when she spoke. And we have been supporting one another ever since and I was and am honored to be a support system through THE12 and beyond as she launched her first online course in 2020 and now her second with my favorite practice she shared with me: micro meditations.

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Jacki Carr Jacki Carr

a Nurse Pinning, a Life Pinning

My littlest sister graduated from Nursing School this past weekend - she is a big deal out there saving lives and caring for humans and listening deeper because that is what she promised to do in her essay to get into school.

When a nurse crosses the bridge from student to becoming a nurse, they have a beautiful ceremony called a Nurse Pinning to celebrate their learning journey, like a rite of passage. You get pinned by someone of your choosing and about eleven minutes before the start of my sister’s ceremony, she called and asked me if I would be the one to pin her on stage.

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Musings Jacki Carr Musings Jacki Carr

I am an Earth, too.

To my point in this share, I don’t know if I have ever realized the connection that I am someone’s Earth. I am the Earth for my child right now as she grows and listens in and experiences life in utero and nourishes through me with me. I know this divine connection with Mother Earth but that woman shaking every so gently and saying ‘earthquake’, I was like wow, that is me.

I am her Earth.

I am an Earth, too.

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Book Review Jacki Carr Book Review Jacki Carr

A Book Review: "The Art of Gathering" by Priya Parker

I feel late to the game and yet, right on time with finishing up ‘The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why It Matters’ by Priya Parker last week. I know this book was published back in May of 2018 but as books do, they show up when you need them. And Priya Parker is out and about these days making the rounds on podcasts talking gatherings in current/post COVID times, she hosted Brene Brown’s new book launch (did you order ‘Atlas of The Heart’ yet?) and her resume is full of peace processing, race relations and community connections as a strategic advisor and facilitator

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GOAL SHARE: Meet Soshy Adelstein of Embody Nutrition

I am so excited to share the magic of Intuitive Eating Coach and Mama, Soshy Adelstein with you today. I worked with Soshy for the first time over 7 years ago and I vividly remember her taking calls from a closet in a chiropractor office she was working at while launching her business at the same time - she is amazing. She has completed THE12, we have co-led my signature goals hikes together and spoken on panels side by side. And in my own fashion, I have since hired Soshy to support my own IE journey and to this day, we still coach one another in life and business.

Meet Soshy!

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Musings Jacki Carr Musings Jacki Carr

One Breath at a Time.

Today is my husband’s birthday and while I won’t be doing any huge photo share and sweet post on Instagram or social media as I will write that in a card or evey truly say it out loud to him again and again, there is a detail of our shared live I keep re-visiting and it is time to write it.

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Book Review Jacki Carr Book Review Jacki Carr

A Book Review: 'Wintering' by Katherine May

I read the book, ‘Wintering’ by Katherine May actually last year but felt apropos to share again this Winter season in this weird ass time of life. And to be honest, I might read it again.

The full title of the book is actually: ‘Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times’. As if I need to share more, the title alone made me buy this book immediately to read all the pages and have as a reminder on my bookshelf at all times.

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GOAL SHARE: Meet Emily Bingham of MoveTHRU

Today is a special goal share featuring my former coaching client Emily Bingham, widow, grief coach, fitness pro and Mama. You will experience her story, goals alive and beautiful tips for grief & holidays and I want you to know when I was grieving my Grandmother earlier this year, I went to Emily’s moveTHRU experience with a group of humans on a spin bike and cried and took time to feel and move and it was beautiful to be in a space of receiving when we talked this exact movement (the actual moving and the mission) she is creating at a coffee shop months prior.

Meet Emily.

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Musings Jacki Carr Musings Jacki Carr

Hug Counting and Growth

I recently read this stat and then googled it again to be sure and cannot stop thinking about it:

‘Family therapist Virginia Satir once said, “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” While that may sound like a lot of hugs, it seems that many hugs are better than not enough.’

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GOAL SHARE: Meet Megan Schmer of Olive & Oldes

Starting a new space here on the blog to share blogs of my former clients who are making their goals come to life right on their own time. Today is a force of nature, Megan Schmer who is a CEO, Business Owner, Seamstress Extraordinaire, and Mama. I had the pleasure of working with her in my first iteration of my THE12 mastermind and collaborating many times over with her incredible business and mission.

Meet Megan

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Musings Jacki Carr Musings Jacki Carr

I believe in re-introductions even more.

I believe in intros.

I love meeting people at a coffee shop. Kismet moments that mean nothing and everything.

I love seeing people you know at the airport and catching up, what are the actual odds of running into someone?

I love even more re-introductions as we all change….and then change again.

I love looking back at old photos to now in my own album for an intro of sorts.

And I love love love doing intros for other people to highlight their gifts and quirks.

So here I am, taking a moment to intro myself to you and perhaps even re-intro myself to myself.

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Musings Jacki Carr Musings Jacki Carr

External Validation Matters. It Does.

Venturing out to dinner with small children can rock the nervous system. It feels like a good idea with not having to make dinner (note, I dont make dinner, Chris does and it is nice to give the chef a break), fun to order something different or if you are like me, I always treat myself to a root beer when out to dinner these days, it feels bubbly and fun.

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Musings Jacki Carr Musings Jacki Carr

RBG in my Reflection

I saw my reflection staring back at me this week on what felt like the 40th zoom call this week. My hair was parted down the middle in a low ponytail bun with enormous glasses frames and little to zero make-up, maybe a lip stain of a more neutral tone and some blush but that is about it.

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Musings Jacki Carr Musings Jacki Carr

Praying to Whom?

Some of you might not know this about me but I had a very religious practice growing up. I was raised Catholic and went to church on Sundays.

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Musings Jacki Carr Musings Jacki Carr

Is Imposter Syndrome so Bad?

Lately I've been thinking about how Imposter Syndrome has gotten such a terrible reputation? So many people ask me this on the daily, “Jacki, how do I overcome imposter syndrome? How do I not imposter someone else on the internet or in real life? How do I be myself in business and in life?”

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Musings Jacki Carr Musings Jacki Carr

I like the rain

Living in the mountains, the thunder always rolls a bit longer and the sound lingers as it moves from one side of a canyon to another. Some days, the rain feels out of place here in the sunny state that is Colorado. It feels foreign.

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Musings Jacki Carr Musings Jacki Carr

I had Coffee with a Hummingbird Today

Sitting outside in the morning sun, the steam rolling in those steam rolls from my coffee mug a hummingbird came and perched right down on the wire above me. I stared at her for a while as she darted her eyes back and forth while comfortably seated on my unlit twinkle lights wire strung above my porch.

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Jacki Carr Jacki Carr

An Open Letter to my Creative Void

Hello void. It is me Jacki, the one you have been shadowing the past few months. I wanted to acknowledge your presence, speak to you directly, let you know that I know you are here.

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